Hiring Teenagers!

Most people think I’m crazy when I tell them that my “passion” is working with Teenagers! I find that once you break through, (and that’s a challenge) they can be inquisitive, curious and even helpful! I’ve had quite interesting experiences lately. I was brought in to a local hospitality company to handle the recruiting for their summer help. Most of the applications were from students who had never worked before. This particular client has numerous opportunities for high school students to gain their first experience in the world of work. I probably hired over 100 kids, and then provided orientation and counsel. It was quite eye opening to see how they dressed for the interviews, how they handled the questions about themselves, and above all, their attitudes. You can teach those simple skills about how to dress and what to say, but you can’t teach attitude. It’s either good or it’s not. It was my job to find the good ones. Uniforms were provided, but the little things like ladies jewelry, tattoos, piercing, facial hair and proper shoes were all conveyed in orientation. Customer Service was the most important factor in these jobs, these kids needed to understand. Simple safety instructions made sense, but had to be taught. It’s also interesting to notice the lack of knowledge in simple communication skills. And above all, the competition for these jobs was fierce. There were never less than 4000 applications in my inbox at any time. There were probably 20 walk in applicants each day. And still, recruiting to find quality was imperative. It was probably one of the most fun recruiting gigs I’ve ever done. The location was fabulous! Who wouldn’t want to work right on the ocean! I was able to put some of my friend’s kids to work for the summer, giving them a sense of ownership and pride (along with their own hard earned spending money). I was able to build better relationships with local parks, teen organizations and schools. But, the best part of my job was walking through the facility, and hearing the kids call out their thanks for hiring them. Best of all is watching the progress and growth. They’re learning responsibility, teamwork, and patience. It’s a job I am very proud to have done. So, here are some of the tips I want to pass along: • Don’t assume anything

• Ask, ask and ask again

• If this is your first job, don’t be afraid to say so

• Volunteer to help/mentor someone newer than you are

• Please and Thank you go a long way

• Make sure you understand the rules and regulations

• When in doubt, find your supervisor

• Never EVER lie on your application or resume or to your potential boss, I promise you’ll get caught!

• A smile is your best source of communication

Contact Tish for future classes and webinar dates! tish@talk2tish.com

Individual coaching and training also available.