How will our teenagers function in the “real world”?


There is so much going on out there, and teens are pretty clueless of how they appear to us “adults”. They think they know how they want to be perceived, yet the girls are wearing the shortest tightest skirts, (I can’t imagine how they can even sit down) or the boys have their jeans hanging way down below their belts. For the most part, their communication skills get worse every day as they submerge themselves in their world of text messages, inserting the word “like” into each sentence, and abbreviate everything. They have no idea how to look someone in the eye, shake hands or even speak up with something other than “wassup”. With budget cuts getting worse every day and class sizes getting bigger, how can we get to these kids and teach them what they need to know about survival? The teachers can’t do it, they’re stuck with curriculum that must be taught and then tested. The curriculum is old and for the most part outdated. The teachers are underpaid and have no incentive to inspire. The kids are bored and don’t listen and as a result our drop out ratio is higher than ever. This is our future folks – these kids will one day be running our country and making decisions that will affect a lot of us as we enter the later years of our lives. If you think life is scary now – just wait!

I’ve been taught that when you see a challenge, find a solution. So that’s what I’ve done. I’ve created a series of “classes” to teach life skills to teens. I’ve been fortunate, in that I have found a way to relate to teenagers, and they to me. Coaching and mentoring these kids feeds my soul, but more importantly gives them a new outlook with which to face life. I’m not saying that they’re all a mess, but there are way too many who are. I realize this is pretty brutal, but then truth usually is.

It starts with self esteem. Who are their role models? Who do you think are their role models and why? Is it Kanye and his rap or Lebron James and his focus? Are they listening and doing, or just doing without listening? Are they aware of consequences? Do they care? Do they know what a goal is? If so, do they know how to set and reach it? These are just the first few questions and answers that we dig into when I’m coaching. What makes a teenager tick? How can we motivate them to think and do something positive?

Teenage is a tough time, but we can help them to develop a sense of self and future goals. They can learn to think, act and even accomplish things they never thought about. One of my first students was a 16 year old high school mother with absolutely no self-esteem or thoughts that she could accomplish anything other than just getting through school, and even that would be a first in her family of 14! She grew into a confident, skilled, smart young woman and worked for me personally for 10 years! I’m so proud of her and who she has become, the family she is raising and the life she is enjoying.

If we can work together to produce a better curriculum for life then that’s what we must do. Contact me: or Direct 310.867.3334

Let’s work together to create a better life for your kids! I know we can do it!

Hiring Teenagers!

Most people think I’m crazy when I tell them that my “passion” is working with Teenagers! I find that once you break through, (and that’s a challenge) they can be inquisitive, curious and even helpful! I’ve had quite interesting experiences lately. I was brought in to a local hospitality company to handle the recruiting for their summer help. Most of the applications were from students who had never worked before.

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Our Journey

Our journey of life is about progress, not perfection. It's not about doing one thing 100% better - it's a matter of doing 100 things, 1% better each day. Progress is evolutionary not revolutionary, and most days we measure our progress in inches, not miles. What matters most is showing up for your life whether you feel like it or not. Ask yourself, "What two or three little things can I do today that would move me forward?" You'll be amazed at how much distance you can cover by taking it in increments. The little things add up; the inches turn to miles; and we string together our efforts like so many pearls. Before long, look what you have - a whole strand!

The Heart of our Teachers!

I am constantly amazed by our teachers.  Our childrens lives are affected each and every day by these fabulous individuals who are dedicated to their lives and futures.  Stop and take just a few moments to watch this video and remind ourselves of what happens after the bell rings!

Want to design a joyful 2010? Here’s a couple of tips....


I am thrilled to have a wonderful friend and colleague like Michele Lando!  I often refer to her as "the most articulate person I have ever met"!  She is an expert in so many areas, and has helped me numerous times with my branding and communications.  So, I am most excited to share with all of you her latest article on getting a head start on 2010!  I know we're all caught up in the holidays, but remember 2010 is only a few weeks away.  No matter if you're a student or adult, these handy hints are for all of us! Tish

After the decorations, celebrations and communion with family and friends, Monday morning will reappear.

My holiday gift to each of you: a few tips from the IndiBrand™ Individual Branding Workshop series.

Even in this economy. There is much to be grateful for:

The future is the present moving forward constantly. This means that whatever you envision for your future is being impacted by your choices right now—this very minute—and the next, and the next, and the next.

The future is connected to your present (which has just this instant become your past). As you consider what you want 2010 to be like for you, engage all of your senses. What do you want it to smell like? Taste like? Look like? Sound like? And feel like? The more visceral your imagination of your future, the more real it becomes and the easier it is to make choices in this instant and the next that truly support your goals for your future!

When I am considering my future I make sure I am specific and engage each of my senses across multiple areas of my life. Like good marketing, the more targeted I am in my focus on each area of my life, the more impactful my connection to it is! The more likely I will actually create it, and the more joy I experience in all areas of my life as a result. Following are some of the focus areas for my future. What are yours?

  • Social: Relationships with family, friends, organizations
  • Spiritual: Practicing faith, prayer, self-exploration and development, awareness of others.
  • Romance: Husband, travel, celebrations
  • Creative: Writing, music, ideation
  • Health: Exercise, yoga, quiet time, food prep, breathing
  • Professional: Contribution, self-growth, mentoring, learning
  • Financial: Abundance, philanthropy, saving, planning, insurances, spending
  • Play: Silliness, laughter, light-heartedness, outings, new experiences

There is always room for changing one’s vision. Don’t let your fear of commitment or your belief that you cannot control what the future holds, or anything else, get in your way. It’s the distinction between making choices that lead to something that fulfills you or not.

Author: Michele Lando, president of Skilset Communications, Inc., and author of the internationally acclaimed IndiBrand™ Individual Branding workshop series. To reproduce any portion of this article, you may write or phone 626-792-0032.

Thanksgiving – One of my favorite holidays!


Gratitude – this is the common thread that runs through Americans this week.  As I was taking my morning walk this morning at 7:30 along the beach, the town was just waking up.  The famous Venice boardwalk which is usually populated with strange and wacky people and shops was locked up tight.  Just a few café’s were open for early breakfast customers.  The ocean was blue and sparkled as the sun was shining brightly on the water.  As I walked along the boardwalk, breathing in the fresh air, I began to think about how much gratitude I have for life.  As other’s do this week, I started to make a mental list of things I appreciate and try not to take for granted.  There are simple things such as good health, family, love, and friends.  There is a roof over my head, and food in my kitchen.  My little dog Laci, rubs up against my leg with affection, knowing that she is unconditionally loved, and loves back the same way. Love - the emotion that is most expensive, yet most gratifying.  I’m so fortunate to have found love with my husband of 32 years.  We’ve shared so many journeys.  Some wonderful, and other’s painful.  Each journey has offered timeless lessons and layers to our life.  My husband has cheered me on, comforted me in sorrow, and taken care of me when I was ill.  He has supported my activities and several careers throughout the years.  We’ve shared some really tough times, and come through as better individuals and a stronger couple.  Yes, we’ve used the “sickness and in health” commitment, and the “for better or worse”, too.  If I had it to do over, I would do it in a heartbeat!

Family – can extend to anyone you want to include.  Some of my closest family are my friends.  When I was a young girl, I was told that if you could count your true friends on one hand you were truly blessed.  Well, that’s me.  I’m so fortunate to have the most wonderful friends.  They have offered such loyalty over the years.  No matter what, my friends have been there when I needed them, as I am for them.  There is a circle of life and what goes around DOES come around.  My sister, although living thousands of miles away, is as close as my cell phone.  When we're together, it's as if we've never been apart. If I need her, or vice versa, we're there for each other.   Our children mean the world to us, and we love the appreciation that goes both ways as they are now adults.  Our children have given us angst and pride over the years.  More lessons!  All in all, we’re blessed.  Our 3 kids, their spouses and children are tremendous blessings.

Health - We don’t take this for granted.  We’ve both had some pretty serious health issues and as a result, don’t take anything for granted here.  Gratitude for getting through these challenges and what we’ve learned as a result is a given.

So, I have a lot to be grateful for, and this is just a small list.  Take some quiet time this week, and just contemplate your blessings.  When you sit at your Thanksgiving table, grab hands and say a blessing of gratitude.  We all have much to be thankful for.  What are you grateful for this week?

Comments to this post are welcome!

Life is a classroom....


Looking back over my life, remembering various leaders, teachers and coaches I’ve worked with, I think about which one could be the “one” who has had the most influence on me.  Many of us long to find a teacher, mentor or guru. We may feel unsure of how to proceed on our life’s journey without one, or we may long for someone who has attained a higher level of insight to lead the way for us.  The good news is that the greatest teacher you could ever want is always with you—that is your life. Life is a classroom.  When we are open to receiving wisdom from the people and situations we encounter every day, let’s recognize how much they teach us when we are open to receiving their wisdom.  How about the lessons we learn about the things we don’t want to do. Situations that occur in our lives, from the smallest and most insignificant to the largest and most important, have the ability to teach us exactly what we need to learn at any given time. A friend and associate of mine came up with what we call the “6 C’s”.  Commitment, Conviction, Consistency, Courage, Confidence, and Connected.  Pay close attention to these things as they occur in the classroom that is your life. Stop and think about each of these words and how they might guide your day-to-day lifestyle.  Are you committed to whatever you are doing right now, today, tomorrow or even next year?  Do you have conviction in your beliefs?  Are you consistent with your actions and words?  Do you have the courage and confidence to take the necessary action to accomplish your goals?  Are you connected to your life and your path?

I’ve found that affirmations can help me to remember this perfect teacher each day with a few simple words. Affirmations are a powerful tool and when consistently utilized can make a huge difference in your mindset and therefore your life:

I acknowledge and honor the teacher that is my life.

I am wise enough to recognize the teachers and lessons that I encounter today.

I am open to the wisdom I receive.

I appreciate what life is teaching me today.

I trust my intuition on the nature of the lesson at hand.

Guess what - Your life has all the answers. Your life is a movie and the cool thing is; it is written only up until today. Visualize the end.  You get to finish the movie however you choose. So, recognize that your thoughts lead to your feelings, which lead to your actions which create your results.

Start today on the completion of your movie.