Do You Have Gratitude?

Gratitude is the common thread that runs through Americans for the next couple of weeks. It should be all year long! As I observe the blessings of living in Southern California where today it’s 75 degrees and sunny, I began to think about how much gratitude I have for life. As other’s do this week and next, I started to make a mental list of things I appreciate and try not to take for granted. There are simple things such as good health, family, love, and friends. There is a roof over my head, and food in my kitchen. My little dog Laci, rubs up against my leg with affection, knowing that she is unconditionally loved, and loves back the same way.

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Our Journey

Our journey of life is about progress, not perfection. It's not about doing one thing 100% better - it's a matter of doing 100 things, 1% better each day. Progress is evolutionary not revolutionary, and most days we measure our progress in inches, not miles. What matters most is showing up for your life whether you feel like it or not. Ask yourself, "What two or three little things can I do today that would move me forward?" You'll be amazed at how much distance you can cover by taking it in increments. The little things add up; the inches turn to miles; and we string together our efforts like so many pearls. Before long, look what you have - a whole strand!

The Heart of our Teachers!

I am constantly amazed by our teachers.  Our childrens lives are affected each and every day by these fabulous individuals who are dedicated to their lives and futures.  Stop and take just a few moments to watch this video and remind ourselves of what happens after the bell rings!

Determination and Leadership - What a combo

I found this amazing video and was so impressed with this coach and what he accomplished with his team!  Words don't begin to describe what you'll see and feel watching this video!  I promise - you'll be glad you watched! The Million Dollar Challenge

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