Tips for Parents....

Abuse comes in many forms – physical, sexual and verbal/emotional. Do research before talking to your teen so you can provide correct and helpful information. Admit if you don’t know the answer to a question - It will build trust It is never too early to talk to your teen about healthy relationships. Even if you don’t think your teen is dating, having these conversations is one of the most important steps you can take to help prevent dating abuse.

Talk to your teen about what type of information they are sharing online. Ask them to make their profile “private” so only approved people can see it.

Let your teen know that even if they have done something with someone many times before, they always have the right to say NO. It is never okay for their partner to threaten them or make them feel guilty.

Be supportive and understanding. Stress that you are on their side. Provide non-judgmental support so that they know they can come to you for help if their relationship becomes unhealthy.

With so many avenues for communications available at a teenager’s fingertips, it’s important to remind teens that boundaries are perfectly acceptable. A relationship cannot be built on trust or respect if someone’s partner is watching their every move and constantly checking up on them.

Success -

I love this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"To laugh often and much

To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends

To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others

To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.

This is to have succeeded"

Determination and Leadership - What a combo

I found this amazing video and was so impressed with this coach and what he accomplished with his team!  Words don't begin to describe what you'll see and feel watching this video!  I promise - you'll be glad you watched! The Million Dollar Challenge

All comments welcome!

Thanksgiving – One of my favorite holidays!


Gratitude – this is the common thread that runs through Americans this week.  As I was taking my morning walk this morning at 7:30 along the beach, the town was just waking up.  The famous Venice boardwalk which is usually populated with strange and wacky people and shops was locked up tight.  Just a few café’s were open for early breakfast customers.  The ocean was blue and sparkled as the sun was shining brightly on the water.  As I walked along the boardwalk, breathing in the fresh air, I began to think about how much gratitude I have for life.  As other’s do this week, I started to make a mental list of things I appreciate and try not to take for granted.  There are simple things such as good health, family, love, and friends.  There is a roof over my head, and food in my kitchen.  My little dog Laci, rubs up against my leg with affection, knowing that she is unconditionally loved, and loves back the same way. Love - the emotion that is most expensive, yet most gratifying.  I’m so fortunate to have found love with my husband of 32 years.  We’ve shared so many journeys.  Some wonderful, and other’s painful.  Each journey has offered timeless lessons and layers to our life.  My husband has cheered me on, comforted me in sorrow, and taken care of me when I was ill.  He has supported my activities and several careers throughout the years.  We’ve shared some really tough times, and come through as better individuals and a stronger couple.  Yes, we’ve used the “sickness and in health” commitment, and the “for better or worse”, too.  If I had it to do over, I would do it in a heartbeat!

Family – can extend to anyone you want to include.  Some of my closest family are my friends.  When I was a young girl, I was told that if you could count your true friends on one hand you were truly blessed.  Well, that’s me.  I’m so fortunate to have the most wonderful friends.  They have offered such loyalty over the years.  No matter what, my friends have been there when I needed them, as I am for them.  There is a circle of life and what goes around DOES come around.  My sister, although living thousands of miles away, is as close as my cell phone.  When we're together, it's as if we've never been apart. If I need her, or vice versa, we're there for each other.   Our children mean the world to us, and we love the appreciation that goes both ways as they are now adults.  Our children have given us angst and pride over the years.  More lessons!  All in all, we’re blessed.  Our 3 kids, their spouses and children are tremendous blessings.

Health - We don’t take this for granted.  We’ve both had some pretty serious health issues and as a result, don’t take anything for granted here.  Gratitude for getting through these challenges and what we’ve learned as a result is a given.

So, I have a lot to be grateful for, and this is just a small list.  Take some quiet time this week, and just contemplate your blessings.  When you sit at your Thanksgiving table, grab hands and say a blessing of gratitude.  We all have much to be thankful for.  What are you grateful for this week?

Comments to this post are welcome!

Life is a classroom....


Looking back over my life, remembering various leaders, teachers and coaches I’ve worked with, I think about which one could be the “one” who has had the most influence on me.  Many of us long to find a teacher, mentor or guru. We may feel unsure of how to proceed on our life’s journey without one, or we may long for someone who has attained a higher level of insight to lead the way for us.  The good news is that the greatest teacher you could ever want is always with you—that is your life. Life is a classroom.  When we are open to receiving wisdom from the people and situations we encounter every day, let’s recognize how much they teach us when we are open to receiving their wisdom.  How about the lessons we learn about the things we don’t want to do. Situations that occur in our lives, from the smallest and most insignificant to the largest and most important, have the ability to teach us exactly what we need to learn at any given time. A friend and associate of mine came up with what we call the “6 C’s”.  Commitment, Conviction, Consistency, Courage, Confidence, and Connected.  Pay close attention to these things as they occur in the classroom that is your life. Stop and think about each of these words and how they might guide your day-to-day lifestyle.  Are you committed to whatever you are doing right now, today, tomorrow or even next year?  Do you have conviction in your beliefs?  Are you consistent with your actions and words?  Do you have the courage and confidence to take the necessary action to accomplish your goals?  Are you connected to your life and your path?

I’ve found that affirmations can help me to remember this perfect teacher each day with a few simple words. Affirmations are a powerful tool and when consistently utilized can make a huge difference in your mindset and therefore your life:

I acknowledge and honor the teacher that is my life.

I am wise enough to recognize the teachers and lessons that I encounter today.

I am open to the wisdom I receive.

I appreciate what life is teaching me today.

I trust my intuition on the nature of the lesson at hand.

Guess what - Your life has all the answers. Your life is a movie and the cool thing is; it is written only up until today. Visualize the end.  You get to finish the movie however you choose. So, recognize that your thoughts lead to your feelings, which lead to your actions which create your results.

Start today on the completion of your movie.